Friday, October 26, 2012


This post has quite a few pictures in it just to warn you! So if you haven't crossed "watch the third movie of twilight" off your list you probably live under a rock or you just don't watch a lot of tv/movies. So read with caution…

            This movie was a little better than New Moon. When I walked out of the theatre after New Moon I was totally devastated with how much I hated it. After watching Eclipse, I walked out of the theatre feeling only half disappointed. We finally get to hear about how Alice and Jasper met. I just wished there was more of a back story on their story line. I guess I'll have to blame Stephanie Meyer on that issue!

            Eclipse, the book, was longgg. I enjoyed it, but it was lonng. My favorite part was the struggle between Bella being best friends with Jacob and totally devastatingly in love with Edward. It was an easy read and entertaining in a sitting by the pool and I need a book to read sort of way.

            The movie went along with the storyline pretty well. I wasn’t a fan of how the movie started. It made me think that I walked into the wrong movie with all the quick cuts, dark shots, and screaming creating a totally different vibe than what I got from the beginning of the book. The major pain that I forgot to mention in my review on New Moon was that they changed the actress that plays Victoria from Rachelle Lefevre to Bryce Dallas Howard. Both fierce red heads, but they look nothing alike.


            I mean come on? Did they not think the audience wouldn’t notice? It’s not a film that you have to pay too close attention to in order to follow along, but give us some credit!
            Overall, I treat the twilight series like candy. I love to eat it up and just can’t stop! November is fast approaching and I am in eager anticipation for the final installment of the series. Stay tuned for my breakdown of it!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Top 10 Suggestions for Books Being Turned Into Movies

I love books and I love movies. I love when books that have been turned into movies are true to the book.

The following are my top ten suggestions for success when it comes to the crucial transition of a book being turned into a movie.

1) Don’t leave out any main characters. Heck, don’t even leave out a minor character if he or she has dialogue in the book.
            For example, in Twilight (the first book) there is another girl in the group that Bella becomes friends with. Her name is Lauren Mallory. She is the uber popular uber stuck up girl of Forks. She hates Bella because Tyler Crowley her wannabee boyfriend is obsessed with Bella just like every other teenage boy in the book.

2) Don’t cast actors that look nothing like what the character was described in the book.

3) Make sure the plot is interesting enough to be a movie.

4) Do not put $10 dollar wigs on the main characters…. Jacob I’m sorry but that long black wig wasn’t fooling anyone.

5) Don’t change the order of events… It’s just plain wrong and you know it.

6) If you are going to kill off a character, be gentle. You’re about to rock a whole lot of people into an emotional depression. Poor Fred. And I thought I was prepared because I read the book.

7) Make the movie so good that they were like wait… what? There was a book first? No. Way.

8) Make it so people who haven’t read the book know what is going on in the movie without having character’s explicitly state what is going on like they are doing commentary at a basketball game.

9) If there are characters in the first movie, then you can’t just exclude them in the second movie just because. Hello where were you Tyler Crowley in New Moon? I mean you practically almost killed Bella in the first movie, but you disappear in the second installment?

10) If there are four books in a series there better be four or more movies in the series.

Sorry this was so Twilight obsessed with a dash of Harry Potter thrown in. They are my first (books turned movies) loves. 

New Moon

New Moon... New Moon... more like biggest whine fest of my life. 

Now don't get me wrong I love the Twilight series. I love it like I love ice cream. I could just eat one bowl, but eating four bowls would be even better. 

This book was the point in the series for me where Bella becomes the bane of my existence. I have been through break ups and make ups and distractions also known as "Jacob," but somewhere in there I lost all respect for her.

I just can't stand when a girl falls a part over some guy that is a vampire.... I mean the odds are already stacked against them.

One crazy raging blood thirsty attack from my boyfriend's brother and I would hope I would make the decision to get the heck out of there as in say buh bye to the crazies.

Now that I have vented all my frustrations, I would like to point out that I did enjoy how Stephanie Meyers wrote it from not only Bella’s point of view, but Jacob’s point of view too. I have always felt so bad for him. What’s a cute boy with abs to do?

Movie wise, New Moon was interesting because the director was different from the first Twilight movie. For example, everything isn’t blue in this movie. I appreciated that.

Also, I felt like the movie was more about book than the soundtrack. In the first movie the soundtrack was practically playing the whole entire movie.

My favorite part of this movie was obviously that Jacob was shirtless the majority of it, but also any lines that the character Jessica says cracked me up! I read in an article that she free styled her lines in the scene where she goes to the movies with Bella. Free styling and actually being funny is much appreciated in my book.

Overall, I wouldn’t say that this movie represented the book as well as the first movie did, but it was a good try! I mean I love me some Twilight, so here’s to the November release of the last installment in the Twilight series! I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see how they are going to attempt to capture Renesmee.