we are going to veer a little off of the usual content and not review a movie
that was initially a book. We are going to be talking about a book I recently
read that is number six on the New York Times Bestsellers list. Can you guess
which book I'm going to say? No. Its not one of the Fifty Shades trilogy.
Get your head out of the gutter! Plus, I'm pretty sure that is like No. 1 on the NY Times Bestsellers list...
now that your head is out of the gutter, the book I read this past weekend was
Gone Girl.

book is messed up. It is twisted in about 500 ways. Amy and Nick Dunne are a married couple with no kids in their mid-thirties. Every marriage goes through ups and downs, but never in my life would I
have guessed their marriage would have ended up the way it did. On another note, I thought the style of writing was very interesting. That was my favorite part of the book. Are you curious? Good. Go
read it!
critiques will be vague because the book is still so new. The first critique is
wow a whopping 415-page book that could have easily been told in 250.
up, a mini-rant! The thing that bugged me the most was that the major
discoveries in this novel kind of fizzled out. There were major discoveries, but they weren't highlighted in a BAM! kind of way. The story line kind of steam rolled right over them.
This book is definitely not a
race to the finish. It is more of a marathon that you might pass out because it
feels so long winded. There were times when I wanted to scream “OK I GET IT!
GET ON WITH THE STORY!” Yes, all caps were necessary because I literally almost
put the book away and I never, ever, ever leave a book unfinished.
a reader, I crave a good impact and when major revelations fall short it kind
of makes it impossible to keep my attention after that. At the half way point
in the book, I felt like I was just reading it to have the chance of being
Overall, I would recommend it, but make sure you have a long attention span… You are going to need it.
Heres hoping that the movie will be a little more thrilling! On it is classified as in development. There are also rumors circulating that Reece Witherspoon and Bradley Cooper are up for the lead rolls of Amy and Nick Dunne.